Communication is the tool by which you lead. Proper leadership is trying tactics to strategy to goals so that you build an understanding and unity of effort. The New Media Environment, which includes social media, has changed the complexity of leadership on a global scale. We will talk about the complexities of leadership, the extended battlefield, an how even the smallest things play out on a global scale.
- It's your reputation, own it.
- Learning the lay of the land and discerning the confused seas
- It's your story, tell it.
- Understanding influence and why it's important
- They are your people, lead them.
- Finding yourself, do something, watch, listen, adjust, repeat.
Benefits of attending
- Learn the basics of network-centric leadership
- Learn to survey the virtual field of maneuver
- Understand the difference between Reputation and Brand
- Learn practical straetgic communication
Workshop Leaders
Charles J. “Jack” Holt, APR
Communication Strategist
Jack Holt is a recognized leader in successfully formulating, implementing and managing communication programs for very large organizations including both the Department of Defense and the US Federal Government. He has been called upon to teach at the graduate level, consult with other organizations, and collaborate on how to effectively use the new and emerging media to assist organizations in meeting their business needs and improve customer communications, implement change management and innovative organizational environments. He has over ten years direct experience in communication strategy development, policy analysis and development, organizational design, knowledge management, training and development and as a coach, teacher and mentor on these subjects.
Jack is an adjunct faculty member and lecturer at Georgetown University Technology Management program, former senior strategist of emerging media for the U.S. Dept. of Defense, member of the vGov Steering Committee, the DoDTechipedia Governance Board, the University of Oklahoma Risk and Crisis Management Community Advisory Board, the PRSA Counselors to Higher Education Committee and the 2009 Chair for the PRSA National Capital Region Public Affairs and Government Committee. He has taught sessions on New Media strategies and tactics at the Defense Information School, the Naval Postgraduate School and the NATO School.
Lieutenant Colonel Andrew Morton
Lt. Col. Andrew Morton, Director of Social Media and the Web for the U.S. Army Reserve.
He’s served as both an Infantry and Public Affairs officer for more than 19-years including assignments in Bosnia, Macedonia, Egypt and Iraq. Andrew took part in the Army’s Training with Civilian Industry program and worked with Mullen Advertising followed by an assignment in the Army Reserve Advertising and Marketing office. He heads the Army Reserve’s web and social media efforts, hoping not to be the first person ever to b
Workshop agenda
It's your reputation, own it
Learning the lay of the land and discerning the confused seas
Understanding influence and why it's important
They are your people, lead them
Finding yourself, do something, watch, listen, adjust and repeat
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